Urban Greening Program

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)

What does it fund?

Establishment, enhancement, and expansion of community spaces and parks, tree planting, green infrastructure in streets and alleys, and the construction of active transportation infrastructure.

Who is eligible for funds?

Local agencies, nonprofits, and joint powers authorities.

How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?

The program weights competitive application scoring to favor those with greater investment in priority populations. Direct benefits include increased street tree coverage, improved stormwater management, and active transportation options to provide safe alternatives for car-free travel in areas otherwise lacking such infrastructure.

How do I access funds?

Apply through a statewide competitive process.

Funding Timeline

The FY 22/23 Urban Greening Program solicitation is now closed. Proposals are no longer being accepted and submitted proposals are currently under review. Check the program website for more details.

Project Profiles

Read stories of projects funded by this program.

Cumulative Statistics

As of November 30, 2023

$156.5 million allocated

$144.5 million implemented

$136.8 million benefiting priority populations

54,285 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions

89 projects implemented

2023 Achievements

Reporting period:
Dec 1, 2022 – Nov 30, 2023

128 full-time equivalent jobs reporteds